As an unregistered user, you must accept our Policy on Data Protection:
This survey requires a geographical position, being it automatically provided by the web browser or manually defined, in order to provide a location map of the answers.
The only objective of the survey is to get to know the opinions of the users and their approximate location, that way the final position can be freely modified during the process of the survey before saving the information required from the user.
As an anonymous user you can choose between:
We will try to initially situate you in an approximate position based on your IP so that then you can situate yourself correctly.
Your browser will ask you for permission to transmit to us your position based on various data (GPS, IP, wifi networks...), providing us with a position which is normally very precise and which you can edit if needed.
Register in Emapic so you don't have to perform this step for every answer and you will also be able to define a default position or automate the use of the automatic geopositioning.
Register in Emapic so you don't have to perform this step for every answer and you will also be able to define a default position or automate the use of the automatic geopositioning. (More info)
You will have to define your location on a map centered on the default position defined in your profile.
You will have to define your location on a map centered on a generic default position.
You will have to define your location on a map centered on an approximate position obtained from your IP.
Unfortunately we have not been able to locate your position in an automatic way.
Unfortunately we have not been able to automatically locate your precise position, but we have been able to obtain an approximate one from your IP.
You will have to define your location on a map centered on that approximate position.
Unfortunately we have not been able to automatically locate your position.
You will have to define your location on a map centered on a generic default position.
A biodiversidade é o resultado de millóns de anos de evolución. Sabes cales son as causas? E as consecuencias?
A biodiversidade é o resultado de millóns de anos de evolución. Sabes cales son as causas? E as consecuencias?
A diversidade biolóxica é a variabilidade entre organismos vivos presentes nos ecosistemas terrestres, mariños e acuáticos, así como todos os complexos ecolóxicos dos que forman parte.
Sabías que...?
Nesta definición inclúese a variación de atributos xenotípicos, fenotípicos, filoxenéticos e funcionais, así coma os cambios na abundancia e distribución das especies, comunidades biolóxicas e ecosistemas ó longo do tempo e espazo.
O descenso máis grave de biodiversidade (97%) produciuse en Centroamérica e Sudamérica nos últimos anos.
Sabías que...?
América é o continente con maior diversidade a nivel mundial, seguido dalgúns países de Asia e África.
Sabías que...?
A perda de biodiversidade refírese á diminución ou desaparición da diversidade biolóxica. En 2019, a Organización das Nacións Unidas (ONU), en colaboración coa Plataforma Intergubernamental sobre a Biodiversidade e os Servizos Ecosistémicos (IPBES), presentou un informe sobre biodiversidade no que advertía que un millón de especies (dun total aproximado de 8 millóns de especies coñecidas) está en perigo de extinción.
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