The present general conditions are established for all the services agreed or contracted between emapic and its registered users through its webpage.
The stated conditions will be duly published on the webpage of , so that they can be consulted any time.
The present conditions will be applied to all the agreements and contracts subscribed with , apart from those additional services which
could offer and for their nature require specific conditions, which must be duly informed in advance before its subscription and duly published in the webpage of
. In case of conflict between the present conditions and those of the additional services, these latter ones will have priority.
is a technological initiative by which Cartolab, laboratory in the field of cartographic engineering, geodesic and photogrammetry of the ETS of Ingeniería de Caminos Canales and Puertos of the University of Coruña, located in Campus de Elviña, s/n 15071 A Coruña, Spain, offers services online for the creation and development of surveys to its users, offering information about them based on the data received. The version that regulates these conditions is a prototype in alfa phase.
Cartolab belongs to the University of A Coruña, (CIF Q-6550005-J). Calle Maestranza 9, 15001 A Coruña. Tel.: +34 981 167 000
Registered User. A registered user will be a natural or legal, professional or non professional person, who has the capacity to contract according to the applicable legislation, who makes use of the services of the University of Coruña by means of their registration on the web of and previous acceptance of the present conditions. To register in emapic it is necessary to be at least 14 years old.
In accordance with the Law 34/2002, 11th July, of the society services of the electronic information and commerce, the contracts which are drawn up through the web of will be electronic contracts.
The contracts will be drawn up in writing, by means of accepting its conditions, and will be available to the Registered User in the email of confirmation that they will receive after their registration to the email address provided in the register.
won't keep hard or electronic copies of such contracts, only a register of subscriptions, maintaining their general conditions duly published in its web so that they are available when needed.
The way the Registered User will provide their consent to the present general conditions will be by means of their register on the web of .
Such register, to constitute a valid consent will require the mandatory introduction of determined identifying data and the acceptance, by marking the right box, of the present general conditions and other particular conditions if there were any.
The contract will come into force once the acceptance of the present general conditions, and other particular conditions if there were any, given by the Registered User are placed on our system.
The length of the contract, unless otherwise mentioned in the particular conditions, will be of one year, automatically renewed unless any of the parties mention the contrary by means of written communication of any type or, in the case of the Registered User, cancelling the service through the mechanism available to eliminate the account of the Registered User which is at their disposal on their profile page of .
The Registered User will be responsible of the veracity of the data facilitated to .
In case the data facilitated through the web of did not belong to the person who provided it,the consequences derived from the inaccuracy of it and lack of authorisation by the users will be the sole responsibility of the Registered User who has provided it.
In case of the use in the surveys generated by the Registered User of contents which are protected by copyright or industrial property rights such as photographs, texts, drawings, designs or any others that exist or could exist, the sole responsible of its use will be the Registered User, who will have to dispose of, in case of such contents not being their own, the right authorisation.
In case the information used by the Registered User in did not belong to the person who provided it the consequences derived from the inaccuracy of it and lack of authorisation by the users will be the sole responsibility of the user who has provided it.
Taking into account the version that regulates these general conditions is still a prototype in alfa phase, and therefore susceptible that some of its functions are not stable,
The present general conditions can be modified by in a unilateral way at any time. Any change in the general conditions of the contracting will be duly published on the webpage of
The changes, will also be communicated to the Registered User, on the basis that they can cancel the service in case of not agreeing with the new conditions.
The applicable conditions to the contracts will be valid at the time of their subscription, without prejudice to the possible modifications that can take place and the communication of this done according to what is stated in the previous paragragh.
The Registered User who has the consumer condition will be able to cancel the present contract without having to allege a reason within the next fifteen days after accepting the contract in any valid way by law.
Also, the Registered User can cancel at any time through the form issued.
In turn, reserves the right to cancel the present contract at any time and especially in those cases where the Registered User violates any of the present general conditions.
The applicable legislation to the present contracting conditions will be the Spanish legislation. Such regulation will be of subsidiary application to everything that is not specified in the general conditions or particular conditions in each contract.
The competent tribunals to settle any conflict in relation to the present general conditions or particular conditions to the specific contracts will be the ones in A Coruña.
Basic summary on data protection | |
Entity in charge | Universidade da Coruña |
Purpose | Provision of services, communications with the user and commercial, treatment for statistical purposes, and others referred to in the additional information. |
Legitimation | Consent of the interested parties. |
Recipients | No international transfers or assignments are foreseen. |
Rights | Access, portability, rectification, deletion, opposition, limitation, and others referred to in the additional information. |
More information | Additional and detailed information on our data protection policy can be consulted here. |
In compliance with what is established by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of the European Union (EU/2016/679), we are making our data protection policy fully available. We believe that it is of the utmost importance that you read this policy carefully, since it is the policy according to which all data that you will share on this website will be treated. It also defines the person in charge of the files in which this data is stored and the rights that we detain over it.
All data that are provided to us, be it through the registration forms or any surveys that you create on this website, will be included in a file which is owned by the University of A Coruña (VAT No. Q6550005J), registered at Calle Maestranza 9, 15001, A Coruña, Spain, phone No.: +34 981 167 000.
This file is duly registered and recorded in the registry of the Spanish Agency for Data Protection, in compliance with the regulations applying Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5th, about Personal Data Protection and digital rights warrant.
The person in charge of data protection for is Jorge López Fernández (
The only personal data we are going to manage will be those that you are providing through the registration forms, automatic or manual geolocation, and any information that could be inferred from the responses to any survey you may fill in on the platform.
The truthfulness of any data provided by the users will be their responsibility entirely. Should any of the data introduced in not be owned by the user that provided them, the user that provided them shall be fully responsible of any consequences derived from their wrongness or the lack of authorization by their legitimate owners.
Should you become aware, by any means, that your own personal data have been used in by another individual without your consent, please do not hesitate to get in contact with us through the different channels available for you to claim your rights.
The management of the personal data collected through the registration forms are designed to provide the services that are offered to registered users, to communicate with the user for reasons pertaining to the provision of the services and its terms and conditions, to preserve and protect the security and integrity of data and service, as well as for internal statistical purposes related to the optimization of the service.
Besides these purposes, the e-mail address that the user provides could be used, if the user grants their consent, for the distribution of commercial and promotional communications about our services. This consent must be explicit, and the user can opt out of it at any time through its own profile.
Personal geolocalization data and the data that can be extracted through the replies to the surveys created by our registered users are collected with the purpose of creating and publishing the surveys so that they can be available through our app. All data provided in them will be published so that your replies can be linked with the questions and the provided geolocalization.
To that effect, as well as for non-registered users, your consent will be explicitly requested before commencing any survey. Registered users will not be required to state their consent in this instance, since it was already accepted by subscribing our data protection policy during user registration.
We will store your personal data for as long it is needed according to the purpose for which they had been collected. Specifically:
These data will be stored until the user deletes their account. Once the removal has been implemented, we will store only the information that could be needed to tend the requirements of data protection authorities or any legal responsibility related to the provision of the service. This data will be stored for five years. Following this time, the data will be deleted, taking all needed action to guarantee their definitive destruction.
Geolocalization data and data from the replies to a survey will be stored as long as the survey is active and available on our app. When the survey is completed or de-activated, the data will be stored for five years to tend the requirements of data protection authorities or any legal responsibility related to the provision of the service.
The management of your data is based on your consent as an interested person as expressed when you registered as a user and/or when you reply to the questions of a published survey without registering as a user. To that effect, you will be asked to tick a box off to express your consent.
We have no intention to cede to third parties any data provided via user registration on . As far as data provided through replies to the surveys are concerned, they will be published after being automatically treated.
We have no intention to globally publish the personal data provided through the replies to the survey besides publishing their results.
To exercise any of these rights, you can send us a written communication via mail, to Cartolab-UDC, ETS Ingeniería de Caminos, Canales y Puertos, Campus de Elviña s/n, 15071 A Coruña, Spain, or an e-mail to this address: This request, regardless of the medium employed to submit it, will have to be written and should be filed with a copy of an identification document.
If you still think that your rights are not being taken into due consideration, you can submit a complaint to our officer in charge of data protection to this e-mail address:, as well as to the Spanish Data Protection Agency:
A cookie is a file which is downloaded on your computer every time you access a webpage and it is used to gather information on the way that computer or its users browse, giving a more or less reliable idea of their preferences which allow us to offer a more efficient service and adapted to your needs.
only uses cookies for interface customization, managing the session of the user account and sharing content in social networks, which dont require explicit consent because they are needed for the correct functioning of the application. We don't use any cookies for tracking your usage of our website or with any other purpose.
uses the following cookies:
You can eliminate the cookies on your computer whenever you want. Also the access of these to your computer can be restricted or blocked in your browser. The way to do it in the main browsers is as follows: