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Technologies used in Emapic

First of all, we want to remind you that Emapic's survey engine source code is publicly available through our github repository under the Affero General Public License V3 license.

Server-side technologies

Emapic is a web application built on Node.js, a server-side runtime environment based on JavaScript.

Aside from the core libraries provided by Node.js, in Emapic we use explicitly the following ones:

These Node.js libraries use, among others, the following technologies independently from Node.js:

For the database we use:

Client-side technologies

Our webpages load the following JS+CSS libraries from CDNJS:

We also use the next JS+CSS libraries served from our own servers:

We use the following additional fonts in our stylesheets:

We use additional images downloaded from the following sources:

Map tiles are loaded from the following sources:

External online services

The following external online services are being used by our Emapic website: