The present general conditions are established for all the services agreed or contracted between emapic and its registered users through its webpage.
The stated conditions will be duly published on the webpage of , so that they can be consulted any time.
The present conditions will be applied to all the agreements and contracts subscribed with , apart from those additional services which
could offer and for their nature require specific conditions, which must be duly informed in advance before its subscription and duly published in the webpage of
. In case of conflict between the present conditions and those of the additional services, these latter ones will have priority.
is a technological initiative by which Cartolab, laboratory in the field of cartographic engineering, geodesic and photogrammetry of the ETS of Ingeniería de Caminos Canales and Puertos of the University of Coruña, located in Campus de Elviña, s/n 15071 A Coruña, Spain, offers services online for the creation and development of surveys to its users, offering information about them based on the data received. The version that regulates these conditions is a prototype in alfa phase.
Cartolab belongs to the University of A Coruña, (CIF Q-6550005-J). Calle Maestranza 9, 15001 A Coruña. Tel.: +34 981 167 000
Registered User. A registered user will be a natural or legal, professional or non professional person, who has the capacity to contract according to the applicable legislation, who makes use of the services of the University of Coruña by means of their registration on the web of and previous acceptance of the present conditions. To register in emapic it is necessary to be at least 14 years old.
In accordance with the Law 34/2002, 11th July, of the society services of the electronic information and commerce, the contracts which are drawn up through the web of will be electronic contracts.
The contracts will be drawn up in writing, by means of accepting its conditions, and will be available to the Registered User in the email of confirmation that they will receive after their registration to the email address provided in the register.
won't keep hard or electronic copies of such contracts, only a register of subscriptions, maintaining their general conditions duly published in its web so that they are available when needed.
The way the Registered User will provide their consent to the present general conditions will be by means of their register on the web of .
Such register, to constitute a valid consent will require the mandatory introduction of determined identifying data and the acceptance, by marking the right box, of the present general conditions and other particular conditions if there were any.
The contract will come into force once the acceptance of the present general conditions, and other particular conditions if there were any, given by the Registered User are placed on our system.
The length of the contract, unless otherwise mentioned in the particular conditions, will be of one year, automatically renewed unless any of the parties mention the contrary by means of written communication of any type or, in the case of the Registered User, cancelling the service through the mechanism available to eliminate the account of the Registered User which is at their disposal on their profile page of .
The Registered User will be responsible of the veracity of the data facilitated to .
In case the data facilitated through the web of did not belong to the person who provided it,the consequences derived from the inaccuracy of it and lack of authorisation by the users will be the sole responsibility of the Registered User who has provided it.
In case of the use in the surveys generated by the Registered User of contents which are protected by copyright or industrial property rights such as photographs, texts, drawings, designs or any others that exist or could exist, the sole responsible of its use will be the Registered User, who will have to dispose of, in case of such contents not being their own, the right authorisation.
In case the information used by the Registered User in did not belong to the person who provided it the consequences derived from the inaccuracy of it and lack of authorisation by the users will be the sole responsibility of the user who has provided it.
Taking into account the version that regulates these general conditions is still a prototype in alfa phase, and therefore susceptible that some of its functions are not stable,
The personal data provided to by the Registered User as a result of their register or the surveys carried out will be stored in a file whose name is EMAPIC property of the University of Coruña responsible of
Such data will only be used for the purpose of the services offered by and the administration of the web. This data can only be provided to third parties when necessary for the developments related to these purposes.
The personal data provided by the Registered User in relation with the surveys carried out in will only be available to the users who have created them, after having been duly dissociated and treated for statistical purposes. Unless the Registered User explicity consents it this way when carrying out any specific survey, on their results there will be no link of their results with the personal data in their profile.
If a Registered User cancels the service, will only keep the data which affects the surveys answered or created, and which are still valid at the time of the cancellation, and those needed for statistical purposes on the actual web. Any other data which is not relevant for such purposes will be deleted; especially that related to username, avatar image and email address.
The present general conditions can be modified by in a unilateral way at any time. Any change in the general conditions of the contracting will be duly published on the webpage of
The changes, will also be communicated to the Registered User, on the basis that they can cancel the service in case of not agreeing with the new conditions.
The applicable conditions to the contracts will be valid at the time of their subscription, without prejudice to the possible modifications that can take place and the communication of this done according to what is stated in the previous paragragh.
The Registered User who has the consumer condition will be able to cancel the present contract without having to allege a reason within the next fifteen days after accepting the contract in any valid way by law.
Also, the Registered User can cancel at any time through the form issued.
In turn, reserves the right to cancel the present contract at any time and especially in those cases where the Registered User violates any of the present general conditions.
The applicable legislation to the present contracting conditions will be the Spanish legislation. Such regulation will be of subsidiary application to everything that is not specified in the general conditions or particular conditions in each contract.
The competent tribunals to settle any conflict in relation to the present general conditions or particular conditions to the specific contracts will be the ones in A Coruña.
In compliance with the Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5th, about Personal Data Protection and digital rights warrant, and its development procedure we inform you that all the data you provide to us through the registration bulletins, subscription, and also in the diverse surveys will be included for its use in a file owned by the University of Coruña.
Such file is duly inscribed in the Registro de la Agencia Española de Protección de Datos and the data in the contents is protected by the legal security measures and according to the rules planned for it.
The data gathered will have as a purpose its automatic use for statistical and publishing purposes,and of benefit to those diverse services offered to the users of . Also, the data gathered by means of the answers given in the surveys could be provided to third parties, and the results of its use could be object to public access.
The registration to our services by means of the relevant forms will be considered as an acceptance to the collection of data. It will be equally considered the acceptance of data collection for information request via email or any other available means for this purpose.
The veracity of the data facilitated to the users is their entire responsibility. In case the data introduced in did not belong to the person providing it, the consequences derived from the inaccuracy of such data or lack of authorisation by the holders will be the sole responsibility of the user who facilitates it.
The register in our web implies the authorisation to in order to send advertising information related to our services and suggestions of new surveys.
If at any time you change your opinion and you do not want to receive any more emails of this type, you can send an email to We will also remind you every time we send you one of these advertising messages to your email.
In any case, and taking into account that this advertising email is done via the use of contact data, you can put into practise your rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition in relation to these, at any time in the means indicated right in the following section.
In compliance with what is stated in the Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5th, about Personal Data Protection and digital rights warrant, and its development regulations, the holders of the data will be able to put into practice the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition by means of some communication to the responsible of the file via post, Cartolab-UDC, ETS Ingeniería de Caminos, Canales y Puertos, Campus de Elviña s/n, 15071 in A Coruña, Spain, or by sending an email to the address Such request, regardless of the means used, must be done in writing and attached with a copy of your identity document.
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